
13th ACSS Plenary - July 2024

Last updated: 29 August 2024


  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Declaration of Interests
  • Actions from the last meeting and Chairs update
  • Secretariat Update
  • Working Group Updates
  • FSA Business Tracker Survey
  • FSA Research and Evidence Programme
  • Analytics Unit Update
  • Science Council Update
  • KL3 Impact strategy
  • Reflections on ACSS Plenary format
  • AOB


The thirteenth meeting of the Advisory Committee for Social Science (ACSS) included updates from: the Secretariat, ACSS Chair, Working Group Chairs, the Chair of the Science Council, Deputy Director of Science, Evidence and Research Directorate (SERD), and the Heads of Analytics Unit and Social Science. Substantive discussion items included: FSA Business Tracker Survey and Kitchen Life 2 (KL2) impact strategy. See Annex A for agenda and papers.

Associated Papers

13.1: Secretariat update

13.2: Understanding Regulatory Change Working Group Update 

13.3: Assurance Working Group update 

13.4: Economics Working Group update

13.5: Wider Consumer Interests Working Group update

13.6: FSA Business Tracker Survey

13.9: KL2 Impact Strategy

13th meeting of the Advisory Committee for Social Science (July 2024) Minutes