Working Group

Assurance Working Group

Last updated: 01 August 2024


The overall aim of the ACSS assurance working group is to explore how best to facilitate assurance of the quality, value and impact of social science in the FSA.  Last year, the group have completed substantive work developing a  ‘good science’ quality assurance toolkit with UCL. The toolkit will support the commissioning of high-quality research across FSA sciences and can be accessed below. Working group members continue to be key contributors to the Social Science Gateway Process, and as such review the research questions and methodology of all new social science projects. 


Terms of reference 

The terms of reference were refreshed in January  2024: The ACSS Assurance Working Group supports the quality of FSA science by: 

1.  Reviewing new social science projects via the gateway process 

2.  Supporting the FSA social science team review approaches to: 

  •  reaching vulnerable consumer groups in research 
  •  engagement with academic community.  

3.  Contribute to shorter term ad hoc requests to support continuing improvement. 


The group last updated the wider committee  at the 12th ACSS plenary meeting. Please see the update provided in Paper 12.7 of the 12th Open ACSS Meeting


The Assurance Working Group commissioned researchers at University College London to develop a good science Quality Assurance Toolkit (QAT) to support the FSA in producing and procuring high-quality research. Designed by University College London (UCL), the QAT will be an important resource for promoting high standards in research across the Agency. Following the creation of the QAT, the FSA are now working to adapt the toolkit for use across the Analytics Unit.  

Chair of the Advisory Committee for Social Science (ACSS) Assurance Working Group, Dr Hannah Lambie-Mumford, welcomed the publication of the QAT: “We are delighted to be publishing the Quality Assurance Toolkit. The team at UCL worked closely with the FSA to ensure that the toolkit will help the FSA maintain high standards and transparency in social research. The Assurance working group was set up to facilitate assurance of the quality, value and impact of social science in the FSA, and the publication of the QAT marks a milestone in our work.”

To view/print the toolkit in its entirety, please press the view/print entire guide button.

FSA Quality Assurance Toolkit