Member profile

Professor Charlotte Hardman

Expert member

Last updated: 20 June 2024

Image of Dr Charlotte Hardman

Image of Dr Charlotte Hardman against a beige background. She is wearing a dark blue top.

Charlotte Hardman BSc PhD FHEA is Professor of Psychology of Eating Behaviour at the University of Liverpool. She has over 20 years’ experience of conducting research on the psychology of food-related behaviours (>95 peer-reviewed publications), and brings a wealth of methodological skills, knowledge, and networks in healthy and sustainable food choices. She leads research teams in major interdisciplinary projects funded by UKRI’s Transforming UK Food Systems Strategic Priorities Fund, and the European Commission’s Horizon 2020-funded SWEET consortium. She is a founding member of the Liverpool Food Growers Network and a trustee of Feeding Liverpool.

Register of Interests

An up-to-date record of member interests can be found on the register of interests page.